Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit 2 1/8”
Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit 2 1/8”
Collections: Flaminia, Flaminia Brakes, Flavia, Flavia Brakes, Fulvia, Fulvia Brakes
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Seals for Dunlop brake wheel cylinders used on Flaminia and some Flavias and Fulvias.
Various sizes available, for different applications.
Often the castings are marked with a number like 21 or 24 - this is the number of sixteeths of an inch the pistons are. The number is shown in brackets here.
- 2 1/8 = FRONT - Flaminia, Flavia 815, Flavia 819, Flavia 820, Fulvia S1, Superjolly front circuit.
- 1 5/16" (21) = REAR - Fulvia S1 without servo, Flavia 815 1800 Coupe Injection.
- 1 3/8" (22) = REAR - Flavia 1500 Coupe/Conv/Sport, Flavia 1800 Sport, Flavia 819 1800, Fulvia S1 with servo, Superjolly rear mixed circuit.
- 1 7/16" (23) = REAR - Flavia 815 1500 Saloon late, Flavia 815 1800 Sedan/Coupe/Convertible (with limiter).
- 1 1/2" (24) = REAR - Flavia 815 1500 Saloon early, Flaminia GT/Sport (3C).
- 1 9/16" (25) = REAR - Flaminia GT/Sport (1C).
- 1 5/8" (26) = REAR - Flaminia Berlina/Coupe, Fulvia GTE, Flavia 819 1800/2000 (with limiter), Flavia 820 2000, Superjolly front mixed circuit.